"It was three of my toughest days as a dad - our dog was missing.
We had let our 11-year-old Jack Russell terrier, Tess, out into the yard with our other terrier so they could do their business. Usually, they return to the back door and we let them back in.
That night, a gate had been left open. It wasn't until morning, at least eight hours later, that we realized: Tess was gone.
What followed was a blur of sick-to-the-stomach days that gave way to sleepless nights wondering if Tess was hungry, hurt or worse, and learning about the kindness and cruelty of strangers.
Right away, we printed dozens of posters, but my 8-year-old, Esme, couldn't bring herself to help put them up. "It makes me sad," she cried.
My 14-year-old, Isla, put on a brave face. "We'll find her."
We walked up and down streets near home, then up and down streets far from home.
We e-mailed posters to friends and neighbors, then friends of friends and neighbors of neighbors.
My wife, Joan, visited the pound each day. Nothing.
Along the way, strangers gave advice: best places for posters, craigslist, how to offer a reward.
A neighbor suggested we make an appeal before the local minor league baseball game.
Everyone promised to be on the lookout and, seeing the despair on our faces, wished us the best.
Tess had all her tags plus a micro-chip implant so vets and pet stores would know she had a home.
Every time the phone rang, our hopes soared and then sank.
We placed a classified ad on www.petfinders.com but - as the Web site warns - be careful of con artists. Sure enough, we got a reply.
Someone said he had found Tess but took her with him out-of-town on business. If we sent money, he would ship Tess back to us. We were desperate - but not foolish.
By day three, I was preparing myself to prepare the girls. Tess is not coming back. Then the phone rang.
A woman had spotted her about a mile away. We rushed to the area and spent what seemed like an eternity yelling Tess' name.
Suddenly, a half-block away, there was a lanky teenager with Tess pulling on a leash, heading straight to us.
"Excuse me, but did you just find that dog?" I asked.
He explained Tess had followed him home two days before and he had taken her in - and that she was such a sweet dog.
Sheepishly, he added that he had wanted to call the number on her tag but ran out of minutes on his cell phone.
You could see it in his eyes. He would have loved to keep Tess. He was genuinely sad as he hugged her goodbye.
Though he didn't ask for one, I gave him a reward.
Our family reunited, we went home. While the girls played with Tess the rest of the night, Joan and I cracked open a bottle of champagne."