Why is it that idiots like this guy above, Japanese hip-hop star DJ Honda, refuse to walk their dogs on a leash?!?

And now "Boss", his pit bull, takes the rap of being a vicious dog. All because he was being walked OFF LEASH on Orchard Street the evening of April 3 when he pounced on a 12 pound Yorkshire Terrier named "Bebe" that belongs to celebrity facialist Christine Chin.
The brutal attack, which left the smaller dog needing two hours of surgery to repair her face a $4,000 procedure.
This is part of a pattern of bullying by the musician's three nasty canines, residents said yesterday.
"My pet was almost shredded to pieces," Chin said. "I feel so bullied and so helpless. I said to my husband, 'Should we get a gun now?' Chin, whose clients include model Kate Moss and actress Penelope Cruz, said she called the police but they would not take a report.

But despite claims by neighbors that his dogs are a menace to the neighborhood, Katsuhiro Honda -- a favorite deejay of rap stars such as Mos Def -- has denied any wrongdoing.
The dogfight started at 6:45 p.m. Bebe was being walked by Chin's daughter, Elaine Chew, and "Boss" and fellow pit bulls "One" and "Boy" were being walked by Honda and his employee, Alex Lee. Off the leash.
According to Chew, Boss came up on Bebe from behind. "Boss had her neck in his mouth and he was shaking his head back and forth," Chew said. "I thought she was dead.
I was screaming."
But Lee, who co-owns the dogs with Honda, contended that Bebe was to blame. "She said, 'Is it OK if Bebe says hello to the dogs?' " Lee said. "One of my babies said hello and then Bebe snapped and started growling. Then my baby bit her. If Bebe didn't start growling, my dog wouldn't have bit her."
* And if you had your dog on a leash you could have controlled him.
Lee also claims he offered to pay the veterinarian bills, but Chin said she has heard no such thing.
"Every time something happens with their pit bulls, they blame the other dog," Chin said.
All the dogs involved in the incident are friendly, both owners insisted. But neighbors agreed that Honda was unable to control his three pit bulls in the past.
A neighbor, Kay Merryweather, said that about three months ago, one of the pit bulls ran up to her 10-year-old Pomeranian, Coco. "He jumped into the air and bit her on the neck," Merryweather said.
Honda immediately apologized that time, said her husband, Rion. "He said it would never happen again. He said if it happened again he would put the dog down."
Sadly this whole situation could have been easily averted.
JUST WALK YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. It's that simple.
And use a muzzle. The leash, doesn't prevent the biting dog from biting. And if you have a particularly strong dog like mine, the leash will not keep him from getting hold of an animal. The muzzle on the other hand, completely prevents this from happening. I am not denying the need for a leash. ALL dogs must be leashed.
ReplyDeleteMy muzzle is made of wire, and is of the basket variety. Gandalf has complete freedom of movement within the basket. He can bark, snarl, yawn and most importantly, pant, without restriction. From afar, muzzles of this variety appear abusive, but are in fact the most humane way to handle aggressive animals in a tight living space such as New York City.
But a leash is a must and can give some control.
ReplyDeleteGandalf is a lot more dog then the looks of this guy. I just don't get the reason people won't put a leash on their dog. I just saw a dog at the vet today that was attacked by an un-leashed dog. this poor dog has to going through more then one surgery on top of the initial trauma of the attack plus the expense. At least the owner that had the dog off leash is being responsible and paying all the vet bills.
I've heard stories of people running away after their dog attacked another dog. There are some real a-holes out there.
agreed. Not to mention the potential danger of the unleashed dog getting hit by a car. I love how people will say, "oh but my dog is very well trained, he won't go out into the street." He will when he gets spooked.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I am glad to know that Bebe survived this horrific attack. But, this story is becoming more and more common in NYC. If there isnt a law about leashing your dog in public, there should be one. For the safety of other dogs on the street, and the dog who is not on a leash. There were two cases I am aware of, right here in Brooklyn. A chihuahua mauled by a pit bull, while in its own back yard; and a friend and her bijon attacked by a neighbors pit bull, not on a leash. The Chi was near death, but survived; the bijon fortunately wasnt hurt badly, but the owner sustained a gruesome bite on her arm, protecting the dog! Did anything happen to the pit bulls? NO. Not even after police reports were filed. Something must be done so that this doesnt happen to another innocent dog. I don't understand how dog owners can get away with this. what a tragic shame! K9Angelheart
ReplyDeleteYes exactly, I've had people tell me that before too, how they know their dog so well etc. But I always say there is a first time for everything, and if something should happen what are they going to say then?
ReplyDelete"Duh, well I didn't think that would happen, duh."
Yes Bebe survived but her face is disfigured forever.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there are leash laws, but they are not enforced and there is not a big enough penalty for the stupid owners that allow it.