"You may never have to put your beloved Fido or Socks in cargo again. Your pets now have their very own airline - Pet Airways. Oh, and no owners allowed (not even in cargo)!
The Delray Beach, Florida-based Pet Airways will fly your pets to and from New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. The company says your pets will be constantly attended to on the flight and treated as first-class passengers.
“Currently, most pets traveling by air are transported in the cargo hold and are handled as baggage. The experience is frightening to the pets, and can cause severe emotional and physical harm, even death. This is not what most pet owners want to subject their pets to, but they have had no other choice, until now,” said Dan Wiesel President and CEO of Pet Airways in a statement.
"You see, on Pet Airways, your pets aren't packages, they're 'passengers.' And every step of the journey, we'll take care of them as if they were our own. Because that's exactly the way we'd want Zoe [their dog] to be treated" Dan Wiesel and Alysa Binder, the founders of Pet Airways, write on their site.
Here's how the service works: Before the flight, you drop your pet at the "Pet Lounge." Then attendants give the pet a "potty break" about two hours before take-off. Once the pet boards the plane, a pet attendant will take care of his or her needs for the duration of the flight. When the flight lands, your beloved animal will be taken to another "Pet Lounge" where you can pick him or her up. And, you can track your pet along the way with Pet Airway's "Pet Tracker" online". See www.petairways.com.
The first Pet Airways flight will take off on July 14, 2009. What will it cost you to fly your pet? Airfares start at $149 each way.
Finally someone was smart enough to do what was long over due. Especially important if your pet is too large to fit under the seat in front of you. Fantastic!
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