Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Christy and Pepe for Animal Mukti

Being cuddled and nuzzled by supermodel Christy Turlington isn't a bad way to spend an evening. But for Pepe the Chihuahua, it was all in a night's work.
Christy and Pepe were co-hosts of Animal Mukti, a fund-raiser for the Humane Society of New York held at the Jivamukti Yoga Center. The event combined "animal-friendly" food and fashion with the lessons of freedom and nonviolence taught in yoga.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pony waits at the Gate
Corey Grant Tippen's Bull terrier "Pony" greets you at the gate of his home in Connecticut.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fly the Friendly Pet Skies

"You may never have to put your beloved Fido or Socks in cargo again. Your pets now have their very own airline - Pet Airways. Oh, and no owners allowed (not even in cargo)!
The Delray Beach, Florida-based Pet Airways will fly your pets to and from New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. The company says your pets will be constantly attended to on the flight and treated as first-class passengers.
“Currently, most pets traveling by air are transported in the cargo hold and are handled as baggage. The experience is frightening to the pets, and can cause severe emotional and physical harm, even death. This is not what most pet owners want to subject their pets to, but they have had no other choice, until now,” said Dan Wiesel President and CEO of Pet Airways in a statement.
"You see, on Pet Airways, your pets aren't packages, they're 'passengers.' And every step of the journey, we'll take care of them as if they were our own. Because that's exactly the way we'd want Zoe [their dog] to be treated" Dan Wiesel and Alysa Binder, the founders of Pet Airways, write on their site.
Here's how the service works: Before the flight, you drop your pet at the "Pet Lounge." Then attendants give the pet a "potty break" about two hours before take-off. Once the pet boards the plane, a pet attendant will take care of his or her needs for the duration of the flight. When the flight lands, your beloved animal will be taken to another "Pet Lounge" where you can pick him or her up. And, you can track your pet along the way with Pet Airway's "Pet Tracker" online". See www.petairways.com.
The first Pet Airways flight will take off on July 14, 2009. What will it cost you to fly your pet? Airfares start at $149 each way.
Finally someone was smart enough to do what was long over due. Especially important if your pet is too large to fit under the seat in front of you. Fantastic!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
How can people be so heartless...

A city Parks Department supervisor faces a year in jail after being charged with abandoning two gravely ill dogs earlier this month, the Daily News has learned.
Tyrone Walker, 41, of Staten Island, a maintenance supervisor at Randalls Island, was charged with tying up an ailing Rottweiler and a Belgian sheepdog and leaving them, officials said Thursday.
The 10-year-old Rottweiler, named Shadow, had cancer and could barely move when Walker tied him and an 8-year-old shepherd named Savannah to a fence at Marcus Garvey Park in Manhattan and drove off, according to court records.
"There's no excuse for what happened to these pets," said ASPCA Assistant Director Joseph Pentangelo. "These dogs needed help. The suspect's actions were callous and cold."
Walker was spotted April 2 by a security guard from a nearby building who got the license number of Walker's 2003 Chevrolet Suburban as he drove off, allegedly leaving the dogs.
The pooches were picked up by animal control officials, but Shadow died within a matter of hours. Savannah is currently recovering from Lyme disease, Pantangelo said.
Walker at first said he had nothing to do with the dogs but later said he was given the dogs by a friend who couldn't care for them, Pantangelo said.
(Photos above not of actual dogs in question)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Proper identification helps ensure that your dog can make its way home in the case of theft, loss, or other emergency situations. Using more than one method of identification can increase your dog's chances of being returned.
1) Tag - Tags are one of the easiest and cheapest methods of identification. When the dog is found, the owner can be contacted directly and quickly, often avoiding a trip to the shelter. Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number on the tag. By adding your cell phone number as well, you can even be reached if you are out of the house when the dog is found. If you travel or move, be sure to update the information or use temporary tags.
The downside? Tags can come off or be removed by someone with ill intentions. That is why it is important to consider alternate forms of doggy ID.
Where to buy tags: local pet store or veterinarian.
2) Tattoo - Because the needle does not reach the nerve endings of the dog's skin, the tattooing procedure is not painful and takes only two to three minutes. On average, the procedure runs about $10, with discounts for multiple pets. Select a unique number and register your contact information with a tattoo registry, such as National Dog Registry. It is not advisable to tattoo your phone number or address, because that could change. With a registry, you can easily update this information. An added benefit: it is against the law for research facilities to use a tattooed animal in experimentation. This helps to protect your dog from possible theft for use in a lab.
The downside? It is possible for someone to alter or remove a tattoo. To prevent this, do not place the tattoo on the lip or ear, because ears can be cut off and lips can be clipped. Instead, tattoos are frequently applied to the inner leg or stomach.
Where to get a tattoo: veterinarian or through a dog club or other organization
3) Microchip - Microchips are inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades with a large needle and can then be read with the proper scanner. The procedure is safe and relatively inexpensive, running between $20 and $60. Microchips must be registered with your current contact information, and this registration should be updated if you move. Unlike tattoos, it is hard to remove or alter a microchip.
The downside? To be detected, a compatible scanner must be used. Before implanting a chip, contact your local shelter or animal control agency to ensure they can read the type of chip you will implant. If you have already implanted an incompatible chip, contact the chip manufacturer and ask them to provide a scanner to your local shelters and animal control agency.
Where to get a microchip: veterinarian or animal shelter.
4) GPS Collar - These collars can provide you with peace of mind, especially if you are working with an anxious or fearful dog that often goes into flight mode. The device allows you to find out where your dog is at any given moment. If your dog runs away, you don't need to wonder where he went; you can just pop onto the computer! Some devices provide instant notification when your dog goes outside the area you specify. The Global Pet Finder collar even lets you know when conditions outside become too hot or cold.
The downside? Like tags, GPS collars can come off or be removed. Consider using the collar in combination with another form of identification to ensure your pet is safe!
Where to get a GPS collar: local pet store
5) Local Requirements - A license is required in most cities and counties. Your dog should always wear the license tag along with an ID tag. If your dog is picked up by a police or animal control officer, they can contact you directly, skipping a trip to the shelter. If your dog does end up in the shelter, the staff will know how to contact you. Also, many shelters will extend the time they will hold onto your dog, waiting for you to pick him up, as well as provide emergency medical treatment if required.
The downside? None, but since your dog may be end up outside your county or city, it's a good to utilize another method of identification as well.
Where to license your dog: Contact your local animal control agency for information.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
$$$ Going Down...

"Trustees of real estate baroness Leona Helmsley's estate say they're giving $136 million to charity -- with just $1 million going to the dogs.
Helmsley's estate announced its first round of charitable grants on Tuesday. The largest, $40 million, goes to New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. The majority goes to New York City hospitals and other health care systems across the country.
Helmsley's estate distributed $1 million to 10 animal rights groups, including $100,000 to the ASPCA.
Animal rights groups rejoiced last year at reports that Helmsley -- who died in 2007 at age 87 -- wanted her multibillion-dollar fortune to go exclusively to dog-related charities. A court ruled in February that the trustees had sole authority to decide which charities could benefit from her estate".
I wonder how Trouble her little Maltese is doing?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
He may be the leader of the free world, but he still has to walk the dog.

Be sure and catch this slide show of Bo Obama and the first family during their first days together.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tim and Genesio

John Kerry has come to the aid of a Brazilian man, Genesio "Junior" Oliveira, who requested asylum in the U.S. in 2002. In 2005, he was married in Massachusetts to his husband Tim Coco, but the couple have been separated since 2007 when Oliveira was sent back to Brazil after his asylum requests and appeals were denied.
We wish Genesio and Tim all the best. They must be a great couple they had their dog as their 'best man' or is it 'maid of honor'...anyway we hope John Kerry can reunite them all. Read the complete story @ Towleroad.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Man at Fault but Dog gets Rap

Why is it that idiots like this guy above, Japanese hip-hop star DJ Honda, refuse to walk their dogs on a leash?!?

And now "Boss", his pit bull, takes the rap of being a vicious dog. All because he was being walked OFF LEASH on Orchard Street the evening of April 3 when he pounced on a 12 pound Yorkshire Terrier named "Bebe" that belongs to celebrity facialist Christine Chin.
The brutal attack, which left the smaller dog needing two hours of surgery to repair her face a $4,000 procedure.
This is part of a pattern of bullying by the musician's three nasty canines, residents said yesterday.
"My pet was almost shredded to pieces," Chin said. "I feel so bullied and so helpless. I said to my husband, 'Should we get a gun now?' Chin, whose clients include model Kate Moss and actress Penelope Cruz, said she called the police but they would not take a report.

But despite claims by neighbors that his dogs are a menace to the neighborhood, Katsuhiro Honda -- a favorite deejay of rap stars such as Mos Def -- has denied any wrongdoing.
The dogfight started at 6:45 p.m. Bebe was being walked by Chin's daughter, Elaine Chew, and "Boss" and fellow pit bulls "One" and "Boy" were being walked by Honda and his employee, Alex Lee. Off the leash.
According to Chew, Boss came up on Bebe from behind. "Boss had her neck in his mouth and he was shaking his head back and forth," Chew said. "I thought she was dead.
I was screaming."
But Lee, who co-owns the dogs with Honda, contended that Bebe was to blame. "She said, 'Is it OK if Bebe says hello to the dogs?' " Lee said. "One of my babies said hello and then Bebe snapped and started growling. Then my baby bit her. If Bebe didn't start growling, my dog wouldn't have bit her."
* And if you had your dog on a leash you could have controlled him.
Lee also claims he offered to pay the veterinarian bills, but Chin said she has heard no such thing.
"Every time something happens with their pit bulls, they blame the other dog," Chin said.
All the dogs involved in the incident are friendly, both owners insisted. But neighbors agreed that Honda was unable to control his three pit bulls in the past.
A neighbor, Kay Merryweather, said that about three months ago, one of the pit bulls ran up to her 10-year-old Pomeranian, Coco. "He jumped into the air and bit her on the neck," Merryweather said.
Honda immediately apologized that time, said her husband, Rion. "He said it would never happen again. He said if it happened again he would put the dog down."
Sadly this whole situation could have been easily averted.
JUST WALK YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. It's that simple.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Paris Hilton & Kathy Griffin BFF?
One Mans Dream "Photographs of Hope"

A dream assignment, comes along once in a life time.
A time to make a difference for those who have no voice for themselves. An assignment that can change the life for many, raise awareness for a cause, and create a visual miracle for all to see. This is what I dream of…
There is a harsh reality in this world that many turn a blind eye to. In the time it takes to read this over 20 dogs will be put to sleep. In the next hour over 750 and by the end of the day over 13,000 dogs in the United States will have been euthanized. If we can help just one dog than that’s one less innocent animal that will lose it's life due to a lack of resources or finding a loving home.

(Plato plays at Liberty State Park in 1991)
My dream assignment would consist of taking a 30-day road trip beginning at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey where the statue of liberty resides. We will start off our journey by taking a southern route to California.
A stop would be made in each state we pass through and we will visit at least one Animal shelter in that state. We will choose to photograph the one dog or cat that has been at that shelter the longest or is in need of urgent medical care. By the days end that animals photograph will be posted up on a national web site including face book and others that will depict the animals and their story for hundreds of thousands to view not only in the United States but around the world everyday.
A blog and video documentary will also be created as we make our way to the coast that will be updated and viewed daily. Once we reach the west coast we will begin to make our way back taking a northern route repeating the same attempt on our return trip back to the east coast.
Other subjects and situations will be photographed on the way but the main focus will be to photograph the dogs and cats being cared for in animal shelters across the united states in the hope that they will either be adopted by someone who has viewed their photograph and story or their lives might be prolonged with generous donations.
Once arriving back in Liberty state park we will gather as many dogs and their owners in an attempt to break a Guinness world record in the biggest sit and stay ever.
This event will be coined "THE DAY THE DOGS STOOD STILL”. An attempt will be made to photograph the most dogs and their owners ever gathered together in one place at one time. The photograph will be taken from above the crowd on a 30 ft boom once the Guinness effort is complete.
The trip itself will be called "PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOPE" and we will seek to raise as many funds and bring as much awareness to the plight of the millions of dogs and cats who are brought into animal shelters each year that are either adopted out to loving homes or left behind to eventually be euthanized.
A final project would be to produce a book and a gallery showing of the most compelling photographs to be put on display. The profits of the sale of every book & photograph will go directly to the shelters.
This assignment is a huge undertaking but with much careful planning a little hope and a lot of faith I promise to capture many fantastic images of the people, the animals they pledge to save and all the amazing places of this great nation that will be visited during "My Dream Assignment".

Zac Efron Confirmed for Jonny Quest

"After months of rumors, it's finally been confirmed that "High School Musical" star Zac Efron has signed on to play the title role in Warner Bros.' planned live-action version of the popular '60s Hanna-Barbera cartoon show Jonny Quest.
L.A. Times' "Hero Complex" got the confirmation but mentions that Warner Bros. have been considering changing the name of the property to avoid the inevitably negative comparisons to Warner Bros.' flop Speed Racer, another live action movie based on a popular cartoon.
There's no word on who might be directing although previous rumors have pegged the team of Andy Fickman and Dwayne Johnson possibly reuniting for the third time after the recent Race to Witch Mountain."
source: Los Angeles Times - photo Dlisted.com
Question...Wasn't Jonny Quest supposed to be 11 years old? Cute doggie tho.
Monday, April 13, 2009
New book: REX and the CITY

"REX AND THE CITY started as a column in The Bark magazine back in 2000. It tells the story of the trials and tribulations my then-boyfriend endured when we impulsively adopted an abused shelter dog and tried to raise him in New York City.
The column (which in the magazine is called “Rex in the City”) was popular with readers from the start. The initial plan was to publish only six installments of the series, but readers kept begging for more (and we’re talking 100,000 subscribers). By the time I had enough material for a book, Ted and I had married, and then divorced, and then, in 2002, the dog died.
Thus, this book was written in honor of Sir Wallace Wagsalot, our very special and complicated spaniel. I like to think this book is not about endings, however; it is about beginnings—namely, the first six months my then-boyfriend Ted and I spent with that wonderful dog. Incredible transformations occurred during that time, for both me and Ted, and for Wallace. As we rehabilitated him (from a fearful, aggressive creature into a cream-puff), and rehabilitated us (from a fearful, non-committal couple to unconditional lovers). He taught us lessons about life and love and happiness and, importantly, he taught us that we had actually known these things all along. He brought out the best in us, and we brought out the best in him. Those were glorious, tragic, funny, happy, and sad days, and I would trade all those yesterdays—all those years of yesterdays—for just one more today with him. That is how much we loved that dog. And how much we still miss him."
Find out more about the author, the book, and the dog here.

Ms. Lee Harrington and Sir Wallace Wagsalot.
On the Street with Bill Cunningham

Bill over at The New York Times always has some fun observations of whats going on around town.
Be sure to look at his Easter video here.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
It's Bo for First Dog

Here are the first pictures of the Obama First Dog.
And his name is to be Bo.
My Facebook friend Darlene Arden had some interesting thoughts re: the name choice and future training of a Portuguese water dog, here. And as it turns out the 6-month-old puppy is a gift from Sen. Ted Kennedy. Here's wishing the Obama's all the happiness with their new puppy.
Isn't She Lovely....and her little dog too.

There is a young woman named Phoebe Price that is so desperate to be a star she spends every waking moment walking around Robertson Blvd in Los Angeles posing and waiting for the paparazzi to interview her and take her photo. And she is sadly treated by them as a bit of a joke.
In her mind she is an actress and international model, although she has mainly had bit parts as an extra in a few films. And her modeling career consists of being photographed for the "worst dressed list" of the gossip rags.
Lately she has started dragging her little Yorkshire Terrier around with her to improve her chances of being noticed.
But I gotta hand it to her...she actually put together a great Easter bonnet shot with her sweet little Yorkie "Henry".
I think the hat kind of holds the crazy in. Happy Easter folks!
Here comes Frank or is it Moose?

Frank or Moose are just two of the names the Obama children are thinking of naming their new little Portuguese Water Dog puppy.
President Obama famously promised his daughters, Malia and Sasha, a pup last year. And it appears the pup will be arriving this coming Tuesday.
Reportedly a 6-month-old male pup was returned to a kennel by its first owners. The hypoallergenic pooch even comes from the same Texas kennel where Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy's family got several of its dogs. Isn't that amazing!
What do you think are the chances of something like that happening? A million to one?
The future First Dog is one lucky pup...that's for sure. Happy Easter girls!
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