Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Look at that face...

who could resist?

Photo by Joseph Frazz.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hypno the Chihuahua

Keep your eyes on my are getting very sleepy!

Photo by Joseph Frazz.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Halle has a home...

The first Vicktory dog is being adopted! Halle (on the right) the Vicktory dog proves once and for all that not only does every dog deserve a second chance, but she can take that chance and run with it to a happy ending of epic proportions. Her life now is totally backwards and opposite in every possible way from her days before as part of Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring. Good for her.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rest in Peace Little Gidget

Gidget, the famed Chihuahua who appeared in Taco Bell ads, died Tuesday at the age of 15.

Karen McElhatton, Gidget's owner, tells the dog was with her trainer, Sue Chipperton, watching television when she began making "strange noises" and suffered a stroke.

Before the dog's death, "She had a good day and was running around as normal," McElhatton tells "We're happy that she was very well off right until the end."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Photo by Joseph Frazz.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009


For the next two months!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

PetAirways in business...

The nation's first pet-only airline took off from a Long Island airport Tuesday vowing to provide kennel-in-the-sky service for pampered paws-engers.

"It's great to know he'll get there safely and we don't have to worry," said Jim Gentilini, 62, of Binghamton, NY, who was checking in his daughter's chocolate lab named Bear.

PetAirways offers free in-flight pet treats, comfy crates, and a climate-controlled cabin.

There's no lines for bathrooms - Fido can do his business right on the floor.

"People actually called to ask my dog's preferences," Heather Donaheu, 34, of Sacramento. "I've never gotten that kind of customer service on a human airline."

The idea for the fur-friendly airline came when CEO Dan Wiesel had to check his Jack Russell terrier into the cargo hold on a cross country flight. "It was stressful for me and it was stressful for the dog," said Wiesel.

PetAirways President & CEO Dan Wiesel with Gopi a Beagle getting a Kiss at check-in. (source: NY DAILY NEWS)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cesar says...

Right now, many dog caretakers are struggling to make ends meet due to the recession. In this newsletter, we are offering some tips to help you and your canine companion get through this rough time.

Remember, even if you can no longer provide fancy toys and treats, those things don't hold the same value to your dog that they do to a human. What your dog cares about is you and your family. If you've lost your job, focus on the relationships in your life that matter most. Connect with your children, siblings, friends, parents, and, of course, your dogs! Feeling uncertain about what to do with all this free time? Take a break from the job search to take your dog on a nice, long walk or visit a nearby dog park.

If you are considering adopting a dog, I ask you to examine whether this decision is right for you at this time. A dog can be a wonderful and uplifting presence in your house, but you need to make this decision for the right reasons. If you're feeling lonely or hopeless and looking for someone to lean on, this might not be the time to adopt. Make sure you are emotionally and financially able to be a dog's calm assertive pack leader before you make this commitment.

If you're not ready, that doesn't mean you have to deny yourself a relationship with a dog. You don't need money to have that. Foster a dog. Help a neighbor. Become a regular volunteer at a shelter or rescue. Keep adopting a dog on your "to do" list for later.

Our president has encouraged us to reach out to others in this recession, and I could not agree more! This is the perfect time to give back to our communities. If you are still doing well financially, find time to reach out to loved ones and neighbors who are struggling. If you are out of a job, volunteering can be a good way to network and fight the blues.

I truly believe that the more you give, the more comes your way!

Stay calm and assertive,

Cesar Millan

Monday, July 13, 2009

Adieu Beauchamp Adieu

After three months I sadly realized little Beau-Beau and I were not the best fit. Although we grew closer these past few weeks, Beauchamp just had too much energy for the slower tempo of my life.

I learned that he and his little sister had been left in a box at three months covered in fleas in front of a shelter in P.R. His sister was adopted right away and a month later Pee Wee (as he was then named) was off to live in New York as part of a wedding gift to a lovely newly wed couple that already had a dog. Unfortunately the older dog and the puppy did not hit it off. And that's when I came to his rescue.

By this time he was almost five months old, according to my Vet, and so very needy and very vocal about his needs. But adorable looking as he could be.

Chewing much of my furniture and immune to the sour apple 'Chew-Stop' spray I bought to discourage this even though he had many a bone or toy to chomp. He especially liked my lovely antique French Empire chair.

Also remember I had recently lost my adored French Bulldog "Kobey-Rose" a short three months before of cancer. She who had two modes, sleeping and playing, and did her fair share of furniture chewing too, but was wise enough to attack only the reproductions in places I could not see. And the sour apple spray trained her to only to chew her appropriate toys.

I realize now that I probably wasn't ready for a new dog child yet, as my heart was still grieving over the loss of my perfect little girl who hardly ever barked.

Unlike Beauchamp with his huge ears and obviously sonic hearing causing him to speak loudly in a very sharp a shrill voice, (for such a little guy) at sounds only he knew about. I think emanating from New Jersey or perhaps from his home land on the isle of Puerto Rico.

I tried to softly discourage him, speaking in a quite soothing voice while scratching his ears. Next I tried to distract him by playing with his favorite toy or treats. He would continue to bark even with his mouth full. In desperation I finally yelled 'Knock it off!' Hoping to shock him into silence. Nada.

Another lost expectation was that this skinny little critter of 7 pounds would enjoy a cuddle together on my bed along with a belly rub. But nooooo, the thing he found most entertaining was to constantly bite my fingers wanting to hold them in his mouth as he slowly applied stronger pressure till it hurt, me.

But he would let me hold him in my arms while he was able to slip me some tongue. He was very adept at this with lighting speed. So I had to be on my guard constantly as I'd noticed he liked to eat the little chocolate drop that fell from his bum now and then.

So last night Beau left my home with my friend Anthony. A young man of high energy himself with two little Pugs at home that both love other dogs. And I know Beauchamp will be so happy to have a brother and sister to play, cuddle, and chew on, while giving both of them plenty of french tongue kisses.

But I'm sad to have him leave and wasn't able to sleep. So I am here typing away as the sun rises saying a little prayer for Beau-Beau. Adieu my little boy. We both did our best, and will see each other again. I will miss you....silly boy.

Photos by Brooke Jacobs.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hitchcock's pups

Stanley and Geoffry, Alfred Hitchcock's Sealyham Terriers made their appearance in the film The Birds during the pet shop scene.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

An Alien named Meatball

Meatball lets out a big yawn while awaiting the start of the 2009 UFO Festival Alien Pet Costume Contest at the Roswell Convention Center in Roswell, N.M.

Pabst gets Blue Ribbon for Uglyness

Sometimes it pays to stand out for the wrong reasons!

Or at least it did for one canine participant in the World’s Ugliest Dog contest held Friday at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, Calif., according to the Associated Press.

Pabst, a 4-year-old boxer-mix with a scrunched face and prominent under-bite, was crowned the winner of the annual contest in what was considered an upset victory over former champion Rascal, a pedigree Chinese crested.

Pabst’s owner, Miles Egstad of Citrus Heights, Calif., received a prize of $1,600, pet supplies and a modeling contract for his pooch with House of Dog.

In the pedigree category, Miss Ellie, a blind 15-year-old Chinese crested hairless, took home top honors.

Thursday, July 2, 2009